Finding Epic & Candid Love on the Streets of Kingston | Quirky Love Popup

Viara spied them in our perpetual hang out/spy spot, Coffeeco on Market Square. I was walking to meet her, receiving texts like “Damn, totally cute couple at Coffeeco,” and “slowly drinking their coffees.” They caught her eye right away… with good reason.

I power walked down King with nothing on me but an ancient Nikon film camera purchased at a flea market in Busan, South Korea. This thing has been on a shelf in my apartment for five years, gathering dust. On a whim I decided to take it out for the day, only to find later that the light meter was… shall we say, quirky?

Film is as controllable and knowable as any digital camera, but sometimes, because of mechanical failure or whatever, you just don’t know what you’re going to get.

What better way to capture Quirky Love that with a Quirky camera?

Mira and Joakim had left the building. Or were in the process of leaving the building. As we waited on the sidewalk for them to make their way out of the coffee shop, we debated whether they were the ones. Viara already knew the answer. And then she chased them down the street. Like, flat out running. Not the first time this has happened. They're from Sweden, he's doing a degree in Commerce, on exchange at Queen's. After some comfortable chatting while we took a few pictures, they turned on the heat.

Not bad for a Wednesday afternoon.


Big City Celebration Dreams! | Colborne Lodge + Drake Hotel Wedding Toronto


Kingston Market: Love found us.