Epic Love

​Epic love. Omar and Nathalie: they flowed our way like a breath of fresh air. It’s always like this with Quirky Love couples, isn’t it? One moment the street is empty, and the next – it’s full of life. Even if it’s just two people, holding hands and dreaming up shared dreams. They have a quiet way about them, a surety and strength. They aren’t new to each other, ten years together, four years married.

Omar is originally from Tunisia, a beautiful country in North Africa. The son of diplomats, he ended up in Ottawa and met Nathalie there. Lucky guy. On this particular day, they were escaping a thunderstorm in the capital with a quiet trip to Canada’s original capital (Kingston, if you really didn’t know). The best thing about Omar & Nathalie (besides Omar’s epic hair) is the way they look at each other, the way they lean on one another. Like they are part of a secret club of two, open and friendly with others, yet sharing between each other something to which no one else will ever be privy. Epic love.


Real is better #YGKLOVE


Let the light shine on🎉 25-year Vow Renewal at the Discovery Centre, Fort Henry (Kingston) with Barb & Eric